Andrew Yang is running for Mayor in New York City

#Running4Mayor: „During the race for president, @AndrewYang became best known for his universal basic income proposal to give every American $1,000 a month. – Yang says he will propose a similar plan for New Yorkers – an idea which could shake up the race.“ — Mensch in Germany (@InMensch) January 14, 2021

Andrew Yang über die „Democrats“ in den USA und ihre Elitenorientierung

Andrew Yang says Democrats need to improve their appeal to the working class: „In there minds the Democratic party unfortunately has taken on this role of the coastal urban elites who are more concerned about policing various cultural issues than improving their way of life.“ — The Matt Skidmore Show (@ZachandMattShow) November 6, 2020

Andrew Yang „If a candidate were to make a significant commitment“…

Andrew Yang: „I made clear to every other candidate that I ran on a set of issues (automation, human-centered economy, $1,000 a month). If a candidate were to make a significant commitment in those directions, then I’d be much more enthusiastic about considering an endorsement.“ — The Zach and Matt Show (@ZachandMattShow) February 28, … Andrew Yang „If a candidate were to make a significant commitment“… weiterlesen

Campaigning – Scott Santens ruft zur weiteren Unterstützung von Andrew Yang auf

We aren’t even halfway to our goal yet and we only have 10 hours left. We really need to step it up today. Whatever you can donate if even $5, please do. If you’re new to the #YangGang and have yet to donate anything, now’s the time. And yes, buying merch counts. We must hit … Campaigning – Scott Santens ruft zur weiteren Unterstützung von Andrew Yang auf weiterlesen

Campaigning in den USA: Anhänger Andrew Yangs rufen zur Unterstützung auf

Come on #YangGang this is not us. We do not give up!!!! This system that is designed to create hopelessness after ONE STATE is what we are fighting. Donate for NV, SC, CA and wherever you are located so that you have a choice!!!!!!!!! #DonateToYang #YangMoneyBomb — Maddison ⚖️ (@Madd5265) February 10, 2020