Thank you, @AndrewYang. I look forward to fighting alongside you to build an economy that works for working people.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) February 12, 2020
Kategorie: Andrew Yang
„All it took Andrew Yang to receive gushing media attention“
All it took for Andrew Yang to receive gushing media attention in the 2020 race was to drop out
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) February 12, 2020
Robert Reich „personal thank you to Andrew Yang“
A personal thank you to Andrew Yang, who contributed to America’s understanding of the need for a Universal Basic Income, and conducted himself as a straight-talking, thoughtful, and respectful presidential candidate. Andrew, I hope we’ll see much more of you in the future.
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) February 12, 2020
„Andrew Yang suspended his campaign tonight“
.@AndrewYang suspended his campaign tonight, but I think this remains true. The #YangGang shifted the Overton Window in some big ways: UBI, Asian-American candidates, bipartisanship, evidence-based policy, math/science, and more. A landmark run. #NHPrimary2020 #Yang2024
— Jacy Reese (@jacyreese) February 12, 2020
…Universal Basic Income is missing – what about it?
Reminder of what people are calling the “radical, extreme-left agenda”:
✅ Medicare for All
✅ A Living Wage & Labor Rights
✅ K-16 schooling, aka Public Colleges
✅ 100% Renewable Energy
✅ Fixing the pipes in Flint
✅ Not Hurting Immigrants
✅ Holding Wall Street Accountable— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 18, 2019
See „AOC buckled under pressure over basic income“ on Basic Income News.
Sascha Liebermann
„…focus on solving the problems that got Donald Trump elected“…
“We need to focus on solving the problems that got Donald Trump elected in the first place, and Democrats are making a mistake by acting like Trump caused all of these problems. He’s the symptom.” – Presidential candidate Andrew Yang speaks to CNN’s @ChrisCuomo from New Hampshire
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) February 11, 2020
…das ließe sich auf die jüngere Diskussion in Deutschland nach den Vorgängen in Thüringen auch sagen, statt diese „problems“ zu übergehen.
Sascha Liebermann
Campaigning – Scott Santens ruft zur weiteren Unterstützung von Andrew Yang auf
We aren’t even halfway to our goal yet and we only have 10 hours left. We really need to step it up today. Whatever you can donate if even $5, please do. If you’re new to the #YangGang and have yet to donate anything, now’s the time. And yes, buying merch counts. We must hit $2M.— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) February 10, 2020
Campaigning in den USA: Anhänger Andrew Yangs rufen zur Unterstützung auf
Come on #YangGang this is not us. We do not give up!!!! This system that is designed to create hopelessness after ONE STATE is what we are fighting. Donate for NV, SC, CA and wherever you are located so that you have a choice!!!!!!!!! #DonateToYang #YangMoneyBomb
— Maddison ⚖️ (@Madd5265) February 10, 2020
„Everything Andrew Yang said at the eigth Demoratic Debate in New Hampshire“
N. Gregory Mankiw about Andrew Yang’s propsal of using VAT to finance UBI
N. Gregory Mankiw (Professor of economics at Harvard and author of the best-selling economics textbook for 25 years): „@AndrewYang’s proposal of using VAT to finance UBI is workable and would be progressive“.
— Mark Larsen (@Mark_Lar5en) February 3, 2020
Mankiw hatte sich schon einmal zum Grundeinkommen geäußert, siehe hier und hier.