Excellent this- an examination of using #UBI to address homelessness in #Australia, where many more conventional policies have failedhttps://t.co/uSmwJWef8K
— Basic Income Earth (@BasicIncomeOrg) November 21, 2022
Kategorie: Homelessness
„‚It’s a miracle‘: Helsinki’s radical solution to homelessness“…
…ein interessanter Beitrag dazu in The Guardian. Hier ein Auszug:
„As in many countries, homelessness in Finland had long been tackled using a staircase model: you were supposed to move through different stages of temporary accommodation as you got your life back on track, with an apartment as the ultimate reward.
“We decided to make the housing unconditional,” says Kaakinen. “To say, look, you don’t need to solve your problems before you get a home. Instead, a home should be the secure foundation that makes it easier to solve your problems.”“