As someone whose income over the next 3 months just dropped 90% as everything is getting cancelled, universal basic income looks pretty great right now @AndrewYang
— Jesse Ruben (@jesseruben) March 12, 2020
Kategorie: Universal Basic Income
„Basic Income to help offset worst impacts of Coronavirus“
Call for #BasicIncome to help offset worst impacts of #Coronavirus on #Korea population and economy @koreatimescokr
— Basic Income Earth (@BasicIncomeOrg) March 3, 2020
„Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth“…
…fragt John Cassidy in The New Yorker und kommt auch auf das Universal Basic Income zu sprechen.
„Giving money to residents, no strings attached“…
…ein Beitrag von Katherine Landergan auf politico.
…Universal Basic Income is missing – what about it?
Reminder of what people are calling the “radical, extreme-left agenda”:
✅ Medicare for All
✅ A Living Wage & Labor Rights
✅ K-16 schooling, aka Public Colleges
✅ 100% Renewable Energy
✅ Fixing the pipes in Flint
✅ Not Hurting Immigrants
✅ Holding Wall Street Accountable— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 18, 2019
See „AOC buckled under pressure over basic income“ on Basic Income News.
Sascha Liebermann
„By the way, the guy who makes sense […] is Yang“
In interview exchange on tech disrupting jobs @JoeBiden unprompted brings up @AndrewYang
Biden: “By the way, the guy who makes sense — believe it or not, even though all he talks about is $1,000 — is Yang. He’s smart enough to know what the problem is.”— Douglas W. Burns (@douglaswburns) December 19, 2019
„Universal Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come“…
…schreibt Grayson Quay in The American Conservative.
Zur Finanzierungsfrage, die am Ende des Beitrag gestellt wird, siehe hier und hier. Wie so häufig werden Brutto- und Nettokosten verwechselt.
Sascha Liebermann
„Beyond Slavery“ – Cartoon explains Universal Basic Income
„Universal basic income: a way through the storm?“…
…mehrere Beiträge namhafter Autoren dazu auf openDemocracy.
„Exploring Universal Basic Income…
…A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices“ herausgegeben von Ugo Gentilini, Margaret Grosh, Jamele Rigolini, and Ruslan Yemtsov, publiziert von der Worldbank Group. Zum Buch geht es hier.