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Kategorie: Karl Widerquist
„Ethics & Basic Income – Guy Standing (SOAS University in London), Alex Gourevitch (Brown University)“
Interview by Enno Schmidt with Prof. Dr. Karl Widerquist on basic income issues
„…myths that underpin a lot of political philosophy, ideas of freedom…“ – Karl Widerquist im Gespräch
The Talk of Today interviewed me about UBI & Private. We talked about the myths that underpin a lot of political philosophy, ideas of freedom, and UBI more generally.https://t.co/j99E4n1HJv
— Karl Widerquist (@KarlWiderquist) August 7, 2021
„A choice of masters does not make a servant into a free person“ – und eine Anmerkung zur „job guarantee“
„A choice of masters does not make a servant into a free person.“—@KarlWiderquist
This is also my biggest problem with a job guarantee without #UBI. You cannot guarantee someone a job and call them free so long as what they need to live remains conditionally withheld from them. https://t.co/CM6F7qwiZD
— Scott Santens ♂️ (@scottsantens) May 22, 2021
Siehe unsere früheren Beiträge zur Jobgarantie hier.
„A Global Look at Universal Basic Income“ – Interview mit Karl Widerquist
„A Global Look at Universal Basic Income.“ An interview of me by @JohnCTorpey of the Ralph Bunche Institute. @MichaelALewis10 @OneConradShaw @theUBIguy @diane_pagen
https://t.co/Dy25FU36iL— Karl Widerquist (@KarlWiderquist) March 30, 2021
„…we have not found any evidence of a significant reduction in labour supply…“
1/4 „Over 1,200 documents that discuss the UBI/employment relationship have been reviewed… we have not found any evidence of a significant reduction in labour supply; instead we found evidence that labour supply increases globally among adults, men and women, young and old…“
— Karl Widerquist (@KarlWiderquist) September 1, 2020
Widerquist verweist auf die Studie „Is There Empirical Evidence on How the Implementation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) Affects Labour Supply? A Systematic Review“.
Eine klare Option: Armut oder keine Armut, „universal basic income“ oder „conditional programs“
There are only 2 choices: either you want a universal program like Basic Income to eliminate poverty or you want poverty to exist. If you want to address poverty with conditional programs, you want poverty to exist for the people who fail or refuse to meet your conditions.
— Karl Widerquist (@KarlWiderquist) August 22, 2020
Für all die Lebenslagen, in denen nur Einkommensmangel der Grund für Armut ist, trifft Karl Widerquists These zu, für andere Armutsgründe bedarf es anderer Antworten. Allerdings würde auch hier ein BGE etwas verändern, siehe hier und hier.
Sascha Liebermann
Wenn auch nicht so drastisch wie in den USA, gilt diese Frage auch in Deutschland
„Wouldn’t it be easier to just pay Unconditional Basic Income to each person and survive the crisis together?“ -Carola Liebig (@CarolaJojo) https://t.co/shdxiy7QBT
— Karl Widerquist (@KarlWiderquist) June 17, 2020
„Fighting for human dignity means fighting for humans, not workers“
Fighting for human dignity means fighting for humans, not workers. We need to recognize all the unpaid work going on that min wages do nothing to recognize, and we need to recognize that people should have the power to refuse paid work until their conditions are met to consent. pic.twitter.com/RKA0uy4U75
— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) May 23, 2020