„Den Mut zu haben, grundsätzlich zu denken“…


Website von Simone Menne
Anne Will Mediathek

Wie es nun um die Digitalisierung und etwaige Folgen steht, sei dahingestellt, aber, wie in dem Ausschnitt deutlich wird, wäre es angebracht, grundsätzliche Fragen zu stellen, ob denn der Sozialstaat heutiger Gestalt der Demokratie angemessen ist, ob denn unser Verständnis von Bildung und Employability wirklich Bildungsprozessen förderlich oder nicht eher hinderlich ist. Da kann Jens Spahn lange den Sozialstaat verteidigen, wenn er darauf keine Antworten bietet.

Aus dem die Sendung betreffenden Blogbeitrag von Simone Menne:

„The most interesting topic for me

One radical concept introduced on the show was an unconditional basic income. It is disruptive and is based on, among others, the idea that people become more innovative when they are not supervised or forced to do a job they don’t like. At the same time, it could of course invite people to do nothing. But I believe that we should value social work and creative work more than we did in the past. On the show, all politicians, no matter from which party, were against it, but for me the concept is very appealing.
What’s next?

So what did I take away from the discussion? Regarding an unconditional basic income, I have to do some homework, as I don’t yet know how such a system is supposed to be financed. That is of course an important question that no one could answer during the discussion. So I’ll do a bit of digging, to see if it could be feasible.“

Sascha Liebermann